What is Early College?

Early College is a structured program of study and supports accelerated college degrees, career certificates, and, ultimately, career success.

In partnership with Salem State University and North Shore Community College, we are providing the opportunity for high school students to take college courses sequenced along a career pathway while earning credit for both high school and college. Students accelerate college degree completion while fulfilling requirements for high school.

High school students take college classes strategically sequenced along career pathways that count simultaneously toward high school and college completion during their regular high school day.

The Goal:

To target students who are the first generation to attend college or may have a barrier accessing college.

  • Students receive enhanced academic and guidance support to ensure that they thrive in the rigorous college coursework.
  • Students graduate from high school with significant college credits, reducing the cost and time to degree completion.
  • Students graduate with the confidence, habits, and skills needed to be successful in college and their careers.


  • The student is on track to graduate in four years
  • Indicates a willingness to take on the challenge
  • Demonstrates academic curiosity 
  • Student is engaged in the community and meets school-wide academic expectations
  • Participation in SHS extracurricular activities a plus

Charlotte Forten Scholars Early College Program

Charlotte Forten Scholars Early College Program

Named after Salem State University’s first African-American graduate, the Charlotte Forten Scholars Early College Program is dedicated to serving and providing FREE access to students to help them gain an early start on core college classes and explore career pathways.

As sophomores or juniors, students enroll in SSU general education coursework (e.g. Foundations of Writing, Communication for Social Justice) and major-specific coursework (e.g. General Psychology, Child Growth & Development). These courses are offered at SHS and taught by a SSU professor with support from SHS faculty. Then, senior year, Early College students travel to SSU.

During senior year, students will take six classes — three in the fall term and three in the spring — in either a healthcare or business career pathway on the SSU campus:

  • Health & Human Services
  • Education

Successful completion of these classes guarantees the students can graduate SHS with up to 30 college credits transferable to any Massachusetts state university programs — and even many private schools — while counting as high school credits towards graduation.

In addition, students work with LEAP for Education and the Mass Hire Northshore Workforce Investment Board starting sophomore year, focusing on the college application process and job skills such as resume building and interviewing.

Career Pathways, Advanced Coursework & Early College Programming at Salem High School

What are Career Pathways?
Pathways are an opportunity to explore your interests in a possible career while earning gradua­tion and possible college credits.

What are Advanced Coursework Opportunities in the Pathways?
As a comprehensive high school, we prepare students for college and career plans. Our course offerings support student access to high-wage/high-demand industries and colleges/universities. We achieve this, in part, by offering multiple advanced coursework options in each of our three Pathways: CTE, STEM, and Humanities.