Meet the leadership team At Salem High School
The school report card shows how a school is performing in multiple areas. It shows the school’s strengths and the challenges that need to be addressed.
Our school profile provides information about who we are as determined by DESE
How we move each school forward: View our District and School improvement plans.
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Ensuring structures, policies, and systems are in place to support a high quality, effective learning community.
A snapshot of Salem High School
Comprehensive, detailed information on all courses and programming offered at SHS
Explore our Career and Technical Education pathway and the many careers there are to explore.
Early College is a structured program of study that supports increased college degrees, career certificates, and career success.
Salem High School Marine Corps JROTC (Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps) is a leadership program that is designed to motivate young people to become better citizens. See what it is all about.
Salem High School offers a wide variety of opportunities including; academic and service clubs, music and drama activities, arts and creative clubs, as well as clubs geared to the competitive student.
Built with passion, positivity, persistence and pride, our award winning Music Department boasts a wide range of courses, ensembles, and other opportunities.
The Fine Art Department offers a wide variety of courses in the visual arts that allow students to explore and develop their skills.
SHS is committed to developing positive student-athletes in an environment that foster their personal, academic, social, and athletic growth with the support of coaches, parents, teachers, peers, administrators, and the community.
Our academics offer our students a high-quality education, opportunities for transformative learning experiences.
The College and Career Center staff offers a wide range of counseling and college preparation services to all students in all grades that covers three different areas: Academic Development, Social Emotional Learning, and Post-High School Planning.
Learn about the AP classes we offer.
SHS seniors have the opportunity to participate in co-ops and internships in our community that support post secondary goals.
The IMC Library is open from 7:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Find out how we can help you.
In-person academic support from SHS educators for all students. No appointment necessary.
Learn about our multilingual learning programs.
Access free SPL Test Prep for Salem Residents
Explore how we support our students.
Visit our health and wellness resource center.
Learn about our special education programs and accommodations.
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