Student and Family Support and Counseling 

Salem Public Schools provides a continuum of student and family services in all PreK-12 schools.  Utilizing a multi-tiered system of support, SPS seeks to ensure every student has what they need to thrive in school and the community. A team of certified school counselors across the district assist leaders and teaching staff in proactively building learning environments where each student feels a sense of belonging, competence and autonomy.  School Adjustment Counselors, BARR Coordinators and College and Career Counselors work as a team to provide comprehensive school counseling programs that incorporate prevention and intervention activities. Counselors respond to the social emotional and mental health needs that arise with students and offer direct individual and group counseling to assist students in developing skills necessary to fully engage in school. College and Career Counselors at the high school level are instrumental in preparing students for post high school graduation, as well as college and career awareness. All counselors in the district leverage a comprehensive range of prevention, intervention, and enrichment services that exist in schools and community. They work with families and community partners to secure resources to address out of school factors that impact learning and thriving.

If you would like more information on the student and family support services offered at Salem Public Schools, please contact Ellen Wingard, Director of Student and Family Support at 781-732-0137 or


The Guidance Department is located on the third floor of the IMC. Parents may call and make an  appointment to see the counselor at any time during the school day. Students should not hesitate to ask  for assistance in dealing with personal, vocational, or academic issues. Students are encouraged to meet  with their counselors before and after school regularly. Students are assigned a counselor on the basis of  their last name and will remain with the same counselor throughout their high school years. 

Guidance Director: 978-740–1125